Monday, June 29, 2020

Lives Matter

Seems to me "all lives matter", that set of words, has been appropriated by people who don't actually believe that. Or who at least don't believe all lives matter equally. I feel like we need to re-appropriate those words in our responses to them. Use the words "all lives matter" (no capitals) along with "Black lives matter" (with or without capitals). Something like, "I believe all lives matter, and that's why I support Black Lives Matter", or, "Yes, all lives matter, thus the importance of the message that "Black lives matter".
Additionally, people listen more if you start by agreeing with them rather than by disagreeing with them or attacking them.
I see "Black lives matter", and for me it's a reminder that all lives matter, mine included, with a focus on black lives, in response to black lives being treated as if they don't matter. It's pointing out that some lives are treated as if they don't matter.

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