Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dark Chocolate M&M's

I like Dark Chocolate. I like M&M's. But there were no dark Chocolate M&M's. I recall wishing for such a product without dreaming that such a product might become reality. Well, now it has. Apparently, they first appeared last year (2005) as part of a Star Wars related promotion. This summer (2006) they have been introduced as a regular product. I discovered them in Las Vegas while visiting M&M's World (a store with all sorts of M&M's related stuff for sale). And, of course, bought some. While there I also bought a t-shirt that says "Completely Nuts". I thought it suited me. :) Well, I'm glad I made that visite to M&M's World, because if I hadn't, it might have been quite a while before I discovered Dark Chocolate M&M's. Which are very good. :)

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